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366 Days of Data Science

Hi everyone,
   I have planned to begin '366 days of Data Science challenge' on October 10, 2019. Data Science is a hot trending word today, with applications extending to every field. Data science is all about exploring the insights of data. One can analyze a dataset and figure out hidden information, forecast an unseen feature and do much more with a given a data.
   Data science is not something new , as any other field of science it has the origin at the point when early human began to think.  The development in algorithmic thinking, processor speed, memory storage and a good communication has let to the trend today. The 366 days would not be enough to peek into the core of the Data Science, but it would be sufficient to actually scratch the surface of the giant planet to become a Data scientist.
   I have planned to share my knowledge in the form of articles on concepts, algorithms, tools, comparisons, recent trends in the field and more. Also i have planned to solve more data sets. On these days, i would be posting an article in this blog or any other website or will solve a dataset. I will post the link of my works under the hash tag '#366daysofDataScience' in my twitter handle '@Viswa161' daily.
   I believe i will contribute a significant work to encourage some aspirants like me. With three days to go i swear to keep up my promise. To constraint the path to the goal i will try  not to solve similar kinds of data and produce a substantial content. Also not to constraint more i would not share what i have planned to do in the future as this might affect my interest of a day. I hope i will enhance my knowledge in the field at the end of the challenge by many folds.With lots of hope, i wind up this article. Stay tuned to my twitter handle!


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