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Deep Learning (Goodfellow et al) Book Review

    I bought a Deep Learning textbook this week! Deep Learning by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio and Aaron Courville.

    I bought it after a very thorough research on the contents and previous reviews. And actually it is a good choice. This book has developed to be one of the fundamental textbooks of Deep learning and is the latest of them.   

    I am excited about the book when i started reading it. But i feel reading is very lonely, i want to say what is actually exciting. I want to help some one who wants to know what the book is about. So i thought of writing a chapter wise review of the book. I plan to release review of each chapter on Fridays starting today(31/01/2019). I will keep updating this post with the links to the review of the chapter. This is my first experience in technical book review and i am hoping to do my best.

Chapter No Name Link Published/Scheduled Date
2Linear Algebra
3Probability and Information Theory-------------19/02/20
4Numerical Computation-------------21/02/20
5Machine Learning Basics-------------28/02/20
6Deep Feedforward Networks-------------06/03/20
7Regularization for Deep Learning-------------13/03/20
8Optimization for training Deep Models-------------20/03/20
9Convolutional Networks-------------27/03/20
10Sequence Modeling: Recurrent and Recursive Nets-------------03/04/20
11Practical Methodology-------------10/04/20
13Linear Factor Models-------------24/04/20
15Representation Learning-------------08/05/20
16Structured Probabilistic Models for Deep Learning-------------15/05/20
17Monte Carlo Methods-------------22/05/20
18Confronting the Partition Function-------------29/05/20
19Approximate Inference-------------05/06/20
20Deep Generative Models-------------12/06/20
1-20Whole Book Review-------------15/06/20


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